NetBook Verses Notebook

• posted by Mark Farrell on Wednesday, 2 June 2010 03:28
Everything you look at today seems to be getting smaller. I remember when mobile phones were as big as the old VHS top loading recorder. Both devices now, especially mobile phones can be as small as you like. In most cases the smaller the better. Why should computers be any different? Well there not. Welcome into the world the Netbook.

Netbooks were introduced as a means to browse the internet wherever and whenever you like. It seems that in today's fast moving environment convenience is becoming more and more of a necessity so speaking from experience I would like to produce my thoughts on both the Netbook and notebook to allow everybody to make their own decisions on what types of personal computer they are going to purchase.


I purchased a Netbook for the simple reason that it was extremely small and I got rather excited at the prospect of being able to pull it out almost anywhere and not cause too much fuss or bother to anybody else. I started my search comparing all sorts of models all of which baffled me completely as I am guessing with today's technology unless you are wanting to use your system for gaming or anything else that requires high end graphics one PC is pretty much the same as another.

Anyway I made my choice and off I went home and started to play. Initially I really liked my new Netbook. It certainly ticked all the boxes and before long I was happily surfing the net on a hugely reduced screen size with no loss to quality. It wasn't long before I needed to do some real work. This is where the problems began and where I feel the Netbooks of this world really fall down. If you need to do anything other than surf the internet you are really in trouble. Having to switch from screen to screen is a nightmare. If you are programming and have to look at a lot of code the screen size just isn't practical and with most Netbook keyboards being less than half the size of a normal keyboard you can really be in trouble and will probably spend most of your time deleting and re typing.

Notebook (or Laptop)

Moving on to the trusty old notebook. These bad boys will never let you down. Reasonable screen size, nice side keyboard and in most cases just as good spec wise as any desktop machine you can't really go wrong. Comparing them to a Netbook though you have to weigh up the convenience factor. If you are on a busy train the last thing you want to pull out is a massive notebook and this is where a Netbook really comes into its own.

I suppose what I am trying to get at is that they were called Net books for a reason to surf the internet. I can honestly say whilst typing this article on my standard normal size notebook that for surfing the internet in confined spaces on the go a Netbook is definitely the way to go and for everything else i.e. a more practical solution bigger is most definitely better so get a normal notebook.

Written by Jamie Lyons on behalf of Bathshop321 and Tapshop321 Uks number 1 suppliers of the best Bathroom Suites and Basin Mixer Taps

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