Typical Example Of A Bedtime Routine For Your Baby

• posted by Mark Farrell on Wednesday, 2 June 2010 03:24
Every baby is different so should be treated differently. The opinions in this article worked for my child and are my opinion only. It has been proven that children like routine and from the day your baby is born all a parent wants apart from a healthy baby of course is to know when they will be getting their next full night's sleep.

It's important to decide on a fixed bedtime and then make sure you stick to it. Once you have chosen your bedtime you then need to let your baby know in various stages that you are leading up to their bedtime. I say this because all a baby knows is what we tell it. Their days are pretty much the same all day they wake up, feed, play and sleep. This cycle continues over and over. They quickly learn what to expect so it makes sense to stick to your bedtime routine and if this differs slightly at bedtime even better as it will break up their day even more and let them know that it's time for bed.

If you have decide that their bedtime is seven PM then it is a sensible idea to begin the routine at least thirty minutes before this time to allow you to fit everything in and not have to rush any of it. It's important that this time is a relaxing time so always start by turning the television off closing the curtains and generally making the surrounding environment as relaxing as possible. Dependant on your child relaxing music can sometimes help.

Lay your babies bedtime cloths out in front of the fire and run them a nice bath. There are lots of lots of bath time products you can purchase but try and choose one that is particularly for bedtime. These bath lotions will generally have ingredients in them that will help your baby relax and also aid in a more restful sleep.

No matter what age your baby is another good tip is to read them a story before bed. They may not understand a word you are saying but as long as you read it in a nice relaxing voice they will associate it with another step before they must go to sleep. Babies will associate the voice of a parent with feeling secure which will further help your child to relax. Reading to your child will also help improve their communication skills without them even really knowing it.

To finish off, again age dependant you will probably be giving your child a bottle. This can be the final stage in your routine. After their bottle you should then take your child to bed and lay them down for the evening.

It may take a few days before they get the hang of this routine but once they do when you begin the routine you will probably find that your child quickly realises what is coming next and in some instances may even fall asleep before you have finished it.

All of the above is the routine I have used on my own children and there is nothing wrong with switching any of it around or totally adapting it. The main points to take away are get a routine that suites you, stick to it for your baby's sake, keep everything as relaxed as possible and then enjoy your adult time whilst your baby is fast asleep snug and warm in his or her bed.

Written by Jamie Lyons on behalf of Speeding Solicitor and Just Ears who are the UKs best motoring offence solicitor and ear defenders suppliers

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