And The Worlds Greatest TV Character is?

• posted by Mark Farrell on Wednesday, 2 June 2010 03:26
It is no surprise that the worlds greatest TV character has been voted as being none other than the one and only Homer Simpson from the hit television program The Simpsons. There are probably a hundred and one reasons why this is the case and we hope to discover just some of these reasons below. I think if we all think really hard we all know a Homer Simpson character in our own lives. Lets break it down as to why.

Homer really likes his beer and his food as so many men do however Homer takes it to the extreme. Sporting a nice beer belly Homer as so many other men do would rather swill beer and junk food down their necks rather than anything else.

Its no surprise that he doesn't enjoy work. In fact Homer is terrible at work he doesn't really understand his job and regularly gets into trouble. Whilst most men don't like their jobs not everybody gets into trouble or cant carry out their job correctly as ultimately they wouldn't be in the job for long and fact needs to separate from fiction somewhere. Typical realistic traits in Homers working like consist of always trying to find a way to do his job so he doesn't have to think about it, spending longer on breaks than actually working and hiding his mistakes by blaming somebody or something else.

OK so not every man is as lazy as Homer and yes he does take it to the extreme but how many men out there can honestly say they fully pull their weight at home? If we could see a show of hands I am betting it isn't very many. Most men are quite willing to let their wives run around after them whilst they in true Homer style sit in front of the telly eating and drinking beer.

Homer isn't the most clever person in the world and ask any woman and she will probably agree that her man isn't either. The men out there reading this will probably disagree with this statement.

So next time you are out and about take a good look around at the male population and look out for beer loving, food loving, lazy, work hating men and there you will have it your very own Homer Simpson. So to answer the original question about why has Homer Simpson been voted the worlds best TV character the answer is simply because there are so many men out there that can one hundred percent relate to him and even subliminally see themselves in the great man himself.

Written by Jamie Lyons on behalf of Bathshop321 and Tapshop321 Uks number 1 suppliers of the best Bathroom Suites and Basin Mixer Taps

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