Getting the most out of the Au Pair experience - Source: Au Pairs Direct

• posted by Jamie Lyons on Friday, 29 January 2010 06:28
If you’re one of the thousands of households who have embraced the benefits of taking on an Au Pair, then you will more than likely be fully aware of the extent to which the extra pair of hands can lighten the load of day to day tasks. In addition to this you will no doubt have also experienced the positives an Au Pair brings socially and culturally. Making an Au Pair welcome and ensuring the most mutually advantageous environment for all involved, does however involve a little work. To help you along, we’ve compiled the following tips and advice:

Communication and Respect

Communication and mutual respect are both crucial from the outset when incorporating an Au Pair into the family. In the first few weeks especially it is vital that you invest plenty of time in helping your Au Pair to adjust to a new culture and the differences in language. Treat your Au Pair with respect, be sure to exercise patience and communicate in simple, clear language. They are not on holiday but nor are they your servant. It is prudent to bear in mind that cultural differences will make things a little strange for both of you at first.

If your Au Pair is experiencing difficulty in understanding verbal communication then it can be a good idea to write things down and advise they use a bi-lingual dictionary to translate it. Another surprisingly effective tool to help them to gain a firm grasp of English is television, not just in the form of language tutorial DVDs but also general programming, as such, installing a television in their bedroom is a great way to speed up the learning process.

Social Inclusion

To help your Au Pair build confidence and generally boost their enjoyment of their experience in the country, look to introduce them to other Au Pairs in the area and also assist them in registering with a local college. At college they will not only further build upon language skills, but also develop a social network outside of the house. As previously stated, they are not in the country purely to service your needs but also for their own enjoyment and development.

An Au Pair’s free time must be their own. By all means invite them to join in with family activities, but do not restrict them from using this leisure time in the manner of their choosing, whether that be going out or staying in their room. A well established and reputable Au Pair Agency will have outlined to all their Au pairs that you and are your partner are also likely to want time to yourself and as such, the Au Pair will respect that, especially if you have cultivated a healthy relationship with them.


If you need your Au Pair to be able to drive it is your responsibility to arrange and pay for their car insurance, equally the onus is on you to ensure that their driving licence is acceptable for driving in the UK. An Au Pair’s driving ability is likely to be unknown until they have been placed with you, as such it is good practice to arrange for a 2 hour driving lesson such that a qualified instructor can assess their driving ability and road safety, This is particularly paramount if they are expected to drive children, remember that this is your responsibility.

These pointers are only a small selection of the factors to consider when welcoming an Au Pair, but provide a solid foundation and help to ensure that both your family and your Au Pair get the maximum benefit and enjoyment from their placement.

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