Threats to auditory health and how to avoid them - Source: JustEars

• posted by Jamie Lyons on Friday, 29 January 2010 06:22
Nobody is going to refute the importance of hearing, it is one of the main means by which we experience and interact with the world around us. With this in mind it seems strange that auditory health and protection are neglected on a widespread scale.

The maximum volume achievable in air is 194dB (decibels), this is a level which you are never going to personally experience unless at the site of an exploding volcano, although if you have ever fired a shotgun you may have experienced volume at a none too distant level of 165dB!

Putting these massive figures aside, damage can be caused at any level from 85dB: which is equivalent to heavy traffic or a hair dryer- if exposed to the sound for in excess of 8 hours. Evidently given the long exposure time, this doesn’t pose too immediate or major a threat. There are however examples which are far more worrying. Listening to music through headphones is a particularly concerning instance, especially given the proliferation of personal mp3 players in recent years. IPod’s for instance historically had a maximum volume in excess of 110 dB, at this level permanent damage can occur in less than 2 minutes: less than the length of one song.

Thankfully, Apple have recently acquiesced to governmental decrees on maximum volume and have limited devices to levels dictated by the relevant powers in most countries.
Even at their previous, unrestricted volumes however, mp3 players hardly come close to the volume levels commonly reached at rock concerts, which can range from 110dB to a staggering 140dB. At 130dB and above, pain is often experienced and immediate hearing damage is not uncommon. As a consequence of this, not only is it absolutely imperative that musicians take measures to protect themselves from frequent exposure to the volume levels reached at live performances but also that those in the crowd take measures to prevent potential damage.

The same concerns affect motorcyclists, who are often exposed to volumes in the region of 100dB when on the road and those who use power tools, which in some cases emit up to 120dB when in operation. There are a vast range of instances in which individuals may be exposed to sound levels which threaten auditory health.

In order to protect your hearing and prevent future damage there are two simple options, the first of which: turn the volume down, is incredibly effective, but obviously impossible in many situations! In environments without a volume control, ear defenders are the sensible option. Unlike the unwieldy large headgear of the past, ear protection is now extremely discreet and incredibly advanced. In addition, rather than just minimising the sound allowed to pass into the ear, many modern devices are able to block specific frequencies allowing conversation in areas of high background noise, whilst still protecting the user.

Despite recent legislation in some areas, such as the requirement of employers to provide hearing protection to employees working in environments which commonly reach high volume levels, it is almost universally the responsibility of the individual to protect their hearing in the long term. With that in mind, ear defenders may well be worth taking a closer look at.

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