5 Top Tips For the Merry Traveller – Getting Home Safely Over Christmas

• posted by Jamie Lyons on Friday, 26 November 2010 08:58
The festive period is a time for merry revelry and with this liberal good cheer comes a risk of excess. Excessive eating, excessive laughter and excessive snow are all part and parcel of a jolly good Christmas and excessive alcohol consumption will often also feature. Although I would never venture to condone too hefty a tipple at any time of year, I’m a realist and as such acknowledge that hangovers aplenty are on the cards between now and the New Year. With this inevitability in mind, here are my 5 top tips for negotiating your way home following a session on the sherry:

1. Don’t Under Any Circumstances Drive
Drink driving is a reckless, dangerous and selfish act. You should never, under any circumstances drive whilst under the influence of alcohol or get in a car with an inebriated driver. If you are not sure if you are fit to drive then always err on the side of caution and find an alternative means of wending your way home following an evening of joviality. Keep Christmas merry – don’t drink and drive.  

2. If Your Wallet Permits: Call a Taxi
Taxi drivers are a noble breed who give up their time to safely escort others from A to B, if you have the funds available then make use of their generous services. Only ever use a licensed taxi (even if it does mean waiting a little longer), licensing exists for a reason and is in the passenger’s best interest. 

3. When and Where Available, Chance Public Transport
Public transport is one of those things which makes Britain truly ‘Great’. Come rain or shine, wind or snow (well, some snow) trains, buses and if you’re lucky: tubes and trams are at your disposal for a meagre fee. If you have a snazzy ‘Smartphone’ then you can access timetables from the comfort of your armchair and plan your departure in advance to avoid getting unnecessarily chilly. I understand that there are people who have an unjustified dislike of public transport, if you are amongst that number then just give it a go, before you know it you’ll be selling your car and buying a bus pass. 

4. You Have to Walk then Plan Ahead
What in your slightly tipsy mind may seem to be a 2 minute jaunt could well end up being a two hour hike if you don’t adequately prepare. Double check you know where you’re going, actually, to be certain of a successful trip; get a sober friend to draw you a map. Wrap up warm, check your phone has battery and set off with confidence. 

5. Watch Your Step
Snow and ice can be a pedestrian’s worst enemy...particularly if said pedestrian is slightly ‘merry’. Try and avoid compacted snow, ice or metal grids when walking (they’re as frictionless as Teflon) and be sure to walk as far away from the kerb as possible (without trampling flowerbeds) so as to minimise the potentially tragic repercussions of a slip, trip or fall. Avoid running, look both ways before crossing roads, don’t steal any traffic cones, oh, and I’m sorry to say that making snow shoes out of tennis racquets is much less effective than you may have imagined. 

Get home safe and have a magical Christmas.

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What Is Recruitment Outsourcing?

• posted by Jamie Lyons on Wednesday, 3 November 2010 04:02

Recruitment outsourcing is the utilisation of a specialist external organisation for the sourcing and hiring of staff. Their task is to perform all aspects of the recruitment process; from profiling through to the advancement of candidates to the interview stage. Increasing numbers of businesses are turning to external recruitment companies in order to recruit the best possible new starters to their organisation.

The task of recruiting was historically amongst the duties of the human resources department of an organisation, but many large companies are now looking to outsource this task so that the HR department can focus more upon business strategy and existing personnel management. Small businesses which lack a dedicated human resources function are particularly reliant upon recruitment outsourcing as a means of gaining the best possible new staff with minimum disruption to their day to day operations.

Utilising an external, specialist organisation to perform your recruitment for you brings with it a number of benefits:

Lower Cost

Advertising for a position yourself can be an extremely costly endeavour. Just having your job advert listed on one job board can cost several hundred pounds – and having an advert put into the local paper can cost considerably more. When utilising an external recruitment organisation, your job advert is pushed out through their carefully researched and highly effective channels as part of your fee. Flat fee recruitment in particular represents incredible value in terms of the total cost of the service.

Faster Sourcing

Given that a dedicated recruitment agency is an expert in their field and fully geared towards highly effective recruitment practices: they will almost certainly perform the task of recruiting for a role considerably faster than you could do so in-house.

Higher Quality of Candidates

Not only will a recruitment specialist be able to source candidates very quickly, but will also make maximum use of their experience, networks and contacts to find the best possible people for the job.

Improved Time Efficiency

Outsourcing your recruitment requirements avoids the need to allocate your own time or that of another member of staff to the task of sourcing candidates. If your company doesn’t have a fulltime human resources function then this is a particularly strong argument for bringing a recruitment company on board.

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