Job Prospects for Graduates
• posted by Jamie Lyons on Tuesday, 27 April 2010 08:43
With the vast increase in the number of individuals going to university in recent years there has been a seismic shift in the job landscape for 18-30 year olds. Historically it was predominantly the academically focussed who progressed through A-levels to tackle a degree at university. In more recent times the percentage of young adults taking the university route has increased vastly. On the up side this has lead to a generally higher level of education throughout society: with many more people educated to a high level and as such better equipped to excel in the business arena. On the other hand however, this increase in university graduates has really impacted upon the job prospects of those who both attend university and those who choose not to.
Gone now are the days of walking; diploma in hand; straight into the career desired. Instead, graduates on the whole face tough choices straight from their graduation: which can ultimately shape their future. With so many graduates entering into a business landscape ravaged with the cuts and redundancies of the recession, it is the lucky few who even enter the industry they had their heart set on, let alone the position they had anticipated when accepting their place at university.
Not only are students competing with each other for entry level jobs but also with considerably more experienced individuals who have been cast from their more senior roles by the downturn in the economy and forced to start from the bottom rung of the career ladder once again. With companies now being cut down to size by the powers that be for committing ‘ageism’ when recruiting new employees, it seems that fresh graduates have a serious fight on their hands to even enter paid employment.
Bearing this hostile recruitment arena in mind, savvy graduates need to carefully consider their options when searching for a route into their chosen area of employment. One of the single best choices in the present economic environment seems to be work experience. Few forward-thinking organisations would decline the offer of a few weeks unpaid work from an enthusiastic, educated individual looking to make their name in the industry. By undertaking a work experience role not only does a graduate get a taste of working in their chosen industry but also gets some experience to back up their qualification: in such a competitive recruitment situation as is prevalent today, those few weeks experience could make all the difference. In the best case scenario, the company for which they volunteer their services for free for a short period may find that the temporary addition fulfils their duties with aplomb and consider offering them fulltime employment.
It is a scary time for ambitious graduates, but with focus, determination and willingness to put the extra effort in: they needn’t stray from the career path they had in mind when choosing their university course, just make a brief, unpaid detour.
Written by Jamie Lyons when really it was office supplies Salford and office supplies Manchester that should have been the focus of this blogpost.
Labels: employment, finding a job, graduates, recruitment, work experience